Smart Tips for Seeding a New Lawn


If your lawn is already lush and green, it should not take much work to keep it growing and looking great. All you need to do is water it when the weather is dry, fertilize it once a year and make sure your mower blades are sharp and properly adjusted.

Things are slightly more difficult when your lawn is sparse, unhealthy or nonexistent. Whether you just moved into a new home and need to seed the lawn from scratch or breathe new life into your old lawn, here are some tips you can use to get your landscape clean, green and beautiful in no time:

Start with the right seed.

The right seed is essential when starting a new lawn, so choose a variety that will grow well where you live. Trying to grow tropical grass seed in a northern climate is a recipe for disaster, so choose grass seed that is well suited to your part of the country.

Test your soil.

You may think you know what type of soil you have, but you could be in for an unpleasant surprise. It is important to have your soil tested for pH and nutrient levels before moving forward. Knowing the composition of your soil will give you a chance to make adjustments and help the grass seed grow better and get a more robust start.

Use the right equipment.

You could use a general-purpose spreader to seed your new lawn, but it is best to invest in a lawn seeder. Lawn seeders are specifically designed for seeding new lawns and covering bare patches, and they do a much better job than their general-purpose alternatives. If you do not feel like buying a lawn seeder, you can rent one from the local nursery or garden supply center.

Feed your new lawn.

Your new grass seed needs lots of nutrients, so feed and seed on the same day. Choose a quality lawn food designed for new lawns, and be sure to apply it according to the package instructions.

Water generously.

A well-established lawn does not need much additional watering, but a newly seeded landscape is a whole different thing. You will need to water your new lawn generously until the seeds begin to grow, so grab your watering can, or the hose, and get going.

Cover your new lawn with a thin layer of lawn soil.

That extra layer of soil will protect the delicate seeds, keep them away from birds and other animals and give the lawn the nutrients it needs to grow green and strong.

Starting a lawn from seed may not be the easiest thing to do, but it does not have to be intimidating. Once you know the steps to follow, you can seed your own lawn, and before you know it you will be enjoying a lush field of beautiful green grass. 

Contact a company that carries lawn mowers and other lawn supplies for more information and assistance. 


5 August 2017

Repairing and Replacing Your Gardening Equipment

Hello, my name is Joanna, and I love to garden. I am not a professional gardener but I have taught myself a number of cool skills. My friend who works as a professional gardener took me under her wing and taught me how to use a spade, rake and a hoe correctly. The other day, I had a real problem when my tools began to fail. The handle on my spade became loose and my trowel began to rust. I called my friend and she came around and explained the steps I needed to take to fix repair and replace the tools.